
Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Te Reo Maori

This week is Te Reo Maori week so we tried something that can change names to Te Reo Maori.
My name doesn't come up but if I put a k instead of an c it will.
Here are so of them.

                                                             This is my middle name.

                                                                    This is my name.

                                                           This is my Mums name.
                                                                        My Dads name.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Tongan Language Week: Foods

This is our activity for the Tongan Language week. Amy and I decided to work 
together and focus on the dishes of the Tongan, we created a slideshow on the different dishes. One interesting thing is thank Tongans use the umu to cook most of there dishes, and the main ingredients were fish, lots of fish.
Our favorite dish is the Faikakai Topai. What is your favorite dish?