
Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Leader Ship Day

Last Thursday the year 7s and the prefects went to Spencer park for leader ship day. 

The prefects came to run some of the courses and to help decide who the next prefects will be. The prefects got into pairs and got to chose what course you would like to do.  I was with Reka doing the red spider web.  It was really fun choosing who was encouraging others and helping there teammates.  In every group there were 6 people so we split them into groups of 3. Then they had to link arms and go from one side to the other. After lunch we played volleyball it was really fun and we won. After volleyball the year 7s had to do a speech about what they learned and what they want to become in 2021.

This was a really fun experience and I liked seeing who was helping the other and figuring out different ways to get across.

It was really fun and I wish I could do it next year.  


Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Spring development

Today Mary came to our school today to look at the tree.

that we planted a couple of months ago. We planted a lot
 of different trees like apple, plum, pear, and feijoa. 
 When the trees are young we have to cut of the fruits
 of so the tree doesn't fall over on its side.

             Me, Chloe, Amy and Jenayde planted a apple  tree called Patrica. 
                           We also planted another tree called Petunia its a plum tree. 

                                                         Here are some photos.  

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Speech 2020 Anxiety



Your body’s shaking, your heart’s pounding, it’s getting harder to breathe and your mind is racing with worries, fears and what if’s.  This is anxiety! 

Everyone feels anxious sometimes. Maybe about a job interview or trying something new or scary. This can be good because it helps deal with stress, keeps us safe, focuses our attention and it usually goes away pretty quickly.

But Anxiety is when those feelings don’t go away, or they’re over the top for the situation that’s happening or you cannot control those feelings and it affects your life in negative ways. There are  5 main anxiety disorders. The first is Generalized Anxiety Disorder -  if you have this then you worry about everyday things like sports, school and other common situations. But you worry alot and often! Enough that it can stop you doing normal things and disrupt your life.

Next there's OCD which stands for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.  OCD is where you have repeated thoughts, feelings or ideas and need to complete an action to relieve the anxiety you feel. For example being worried about germs, so repeatedly washing your hands. Or where you have to make things perfectly straight and even to feel settled. The other types of anxiety are: Panic Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Phobias.

I have Mild Anxiety. I mostly hide it pretty well. Most people don’t notice but my family and close friends know that quite often I feel like I’m going to be sick, my heart races, I shake my hands, nervously yawn or deep breathe and panic that I’m doing the wrong thing...a lot!  And this is just on a normal school day!

These are all normal symptoms of anxiety. Other symptoms are feeling tense or restless, sweating, shaking, having chest pains and struggling to breathe. Anxiety runs in my family. My dad feels a lot of the same symptoms as I do, especially around groups of people. His Mum, my Nana, is more anxious than I am!

 Most researchers believe that anxiety is genetic but can also be influenced by environmental factors. In other words, it's possible to have anxiety without it running in your family. There is a lot about the link between genes and anxiety disorders that is not understood, and more research is needed.

 People cope with their anxiety in different ways. I deal with mine by taking deep breaths, I practice what I might have to say out loud and I talk about it with my Mum, even though she sometimes gets frustrated with my worrying. I also take rescue remedy, which is a herbal stress reliever...but I don’t think that helps! Counting to 10, writing down the worrying thoughts and using aromatherapy are also some ways to cope.

I’m lucky my anxiety is mild because for some people it can really affect their lives, friendships and families. I still go out, do the things I’m worried about and I always feel better once I’ve done it. I’d like to be free of anxiety but for now I will just smile, breathe and fake it, till I make it!

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Te Reo Maori

This week is Te Reo Maori week so we tried something that can change names to Te Reo Maori.
My name doesn't come up but if I put a k instead of an c it will.
Here are so of them.

                                                             This is my middle name.

                                                                    This is my name.

                                                           This is my Mums name.
                                                                        My Dads name.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Tongan Language Week: Foods

This is our activity for the Tongan Language week. Amy and I decided to work 
together and focus on the dishes of the Tongan, we created a slideshow on the different dishes. One interesting thing is thank Tongans use the umu to cook most of there dishes, and the main ingredients were fish, lots of fish.
Our favorite dish is the Faikakai Topai. What is your favorite dish?

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Definition and Synonyms.

These are my definitions and synonyms for my reading activity I got the words out of the book we are reading its called the thief lord.


Squinting - look at someone or something with one or both eyes partly closed.

Stroking- Moves one hand with gentle pressure over a surface.

Anxiety - A feeling of worry and nervousness.

Detective - A person who is to investigate and solve

Inspected - look at someone or something closely.

Impressed - Inspire
Expensive - Dear
Worried - Upset
Steal - Take

Crowded - Packed

Monday, August 17, 2020

Diary entry

This is my Diary Entry that I did for my Reading. We had to do it on someone in our book. The book called the thief lord. I did it about Esther.  Esther is the Aunt of Bo and Propser.

Dear Diary,

Today I finally told Victor ( Victor is someone that finds stuff you have lost ) 
about Prosper and Bo. I told him how I lost them and he seemed very surprised. He said how he had looked for animals, suitcases and other stuff but never children. I told him they have been missing for 8 weeks now. He told us we should have gone to him sooner. I knew I didn't like him already. I said they were at their grandfather's house when they ran away. It looked like he was barely listening to me. Because he was on his computer. So I said wow you're not even listening to me I should have gone to another place. He was like no I am listening, I'm just writing things down. I still don't believe him though.
He keeps asking questions like what are their names? What happened to their parents? and If I ever ran away as a child, of course I didn't. I was a good child compared to them.

Anyway, that was my day today. I hated it.
From Esther

Thursday, July 30, 2020


This is my Infogragh that I did for my reading activity. It is about the chch water.

Friday, July 24, 2020


The Waimakariri river starts off at Pegasus bay and ends up spreading different ways. Some goes down the kowai river also some goes down the otarama Gorge. Here is some screenshots.


Thursday, July 23, 2020

My go pro drawing

This is my drawing that did for my reading tasks. It is a under water go pro.

Monday, July 20, 2020

My Pepeha

This is my Pepeha that I did for my reading Activities. You should so a Pepeha on your blog. you can use this site to use it:

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Poster on Canadian Wildlife

Please click on the link to view our Poster on Canadian Wildlife.

Grizzly bear - Wikipedia

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Hatchet survival kit

            Hatchet survival kit

  For one of my reading activity's we had to make our own survival kit      and put all the stuff we would need to survive in it. 

Friday, June 19, 2020



This is my math's activity's for this week.  We had to learn about addition, multiplication, division. 

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Ickabog illustration

This is my drawing of the The cushion carrying King Fred’s rings from the book called the Ickabog.

Friday, June 12, 2020

The Ickabog Illustration

The Ickabog Illustration 

For one of my reading activity's we had to read chapter's 3,4,&5 for the story Ickabog. You had the choice to do things from the story.  I chose to do the house with the black drapes. 

Tuesday, June 2, 2020


                                   This is my prototec for this week hope I get in the 80s on stage 7.


Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Goose bumps

I did a word art of one of the books in Reading on Epic. It's called Goosebumps. I was reading Goosebumps #1: Night of the living dummy. Have you read any of the Goosebumps books?

Monday, May 25, 2020


                       Every day i'm going to do a prototec and put it on this blog.
                          I am now practicing stage 7s to get higher than I usually do.


Thursday, May 21, 2020


I have made a mummies acrostic poem for my reading.  I read about them in Epic they were fascinating. So I decided to do it about them.
Did you know that the people who made the human Mummies made animal mummies to?

Anne Frank word art

This is my word art that I made about Anne Frank I read all the books on epic about her. They are very interesting. You should go read them to. Did you know her and her family lived behind a secret  door that books like a bookshelf there was not much room. 

Wednesday, May 20, 2020


These are my prototec,s for today I have to do more today because I had not done any all week and we had to have five done this week.
I am still working on getting 100% on stage i'm nearly there.

I did this one first not the best so i tried again.

Then I got 72% which was way better.

 Next I tried stage 6 

Then I did it again for stage 6

Im going to do some more tomorrow hopefully i get 100%.
I tried stage 7 again for my last one this week i got 72%

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Divergent movie

Divergent Movie

The divergent movie is a movie about how you grow up in a faction but then at a certain age you have to get tested to see which faction you're in. A faction is a group of people all with the same skills.

One is called Dauntless, which is brave, fearless and strong. They all wear black. 
Then there's the Erudite which is the smart, intelligent problem solver. They wear formal dark blue clothes. 
Also there's Candor, the honest ones say whatever comes to their head, it's sometimes good but also you just want them to be quiet. They wear white clothes. Then there's Amity. They are peaceful, kind and the farmers. They wear earthy colour clothes. Lastly there is Abnegation, they're the selfless, giving ones and the ones who give food to the Faction less.

The Faction less are the people who get kicked out of the factions and basically come homeless. So that's why Abnegation helps them.

The main characters are this girl called Beatrice but she calls herself Tris. Her real name is Shailene Woodley. Then there's Tobias but he calls himself Four. His real name is Theo James. Then there's the baddies First there's Janine. Her real name is Kate Winslet. Lastly there's Peter. His real name is Miles Teller.

My favorite part is when they climbed up the skyscraper and zip line down to the bottom. I liked it because I would really like to go zip lining and it looked really fun.

I would recommend it for people over 12 because there is killing involved and younger people could get scared.

I am not going to tell you every thing that happens but here's the link to the trailer for you to watch.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Covid-19 poster

This is my covid-19 poster that we did for our class. It basically is about what I did in the lock down which wasn't much. I coloured it in to make it stand out and make it prettier.
                        What did you do in the lock down?

Friday, May 15, 2020


                                        Here are my Prototec results for Stage 6 and 7.

            Stage 6:

15/5/2020 -

      Stage 7:

15/5/2020 -

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Bike riding in Bottle Lake Forest

Here is a slide show I made about Mum and I going for a bike ride.


Wednesday, May 6, 2020

SLJ Week 1 Day 3:Team players

For this activity, let’s imagine that you could be a superhero for a day. What three superpowers would you most like to have?
 Tell us why you have chosen each one, and tell us what you are going to do with them.

Thailand Facts

These are my Thailand facts that we had to do for our class google meet this morning. I chose Thailand because me and my family were going to go there for the Easter holidays buy it got canceled.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

SLJ Week 3 Activity 2: Experiments and gadgets

Activity 2: Caine’s Arcade
For this activity we would like to know about your favorite game. 
What is it called? How do you play it?

Monday, May 4, 2020

Friday, May 1, 2020

Thursday, April 30, 2020

S.L.J: Week 2 Activity 1 Playing Favourites

My Pet Rats.

   These are my pet rats, Maggie and Lulu. The black one is Maggie, the white one is    Lulu. Lulu is blind. She moves her head around to try to see. 

I got them from Payton's family. They got them from these other people that didn't take care of them, so they were very small. They are healthier now but still not as big as they're suppose to be. 

Rats live two - three years and we got them at 6 weeks old and now they are 1 and a half. Two of there favourite things to eat are mashed potato and frozen peas.

People think rats are weird or scary or gross but they make great pets! They are clever, cuddly and cute. 

Friday, April 24, 2020

Canterbury Pride Football Skills Training

This year I made it into the Canterbury Pride Skills Development Centre. Because of the lockdown we have been doing online sessions with Annalie Longo. She is a Football Fern. I sometimes do them in my garage or outside. The session lasts for around half and hour and are full of footwork skills, fitness and challenges. Its fun but hard work!

Thursday, April 23, 2020

SLJ Activity 2: What’s in a Name?

Activity 2: What’s in a Name?
Imagine that you were allowed to change your name to anything that you wanted.